Tell us what you did before image consultancy?
I am a qualified preschool teacher.
What made you choose to become an image consultant? What drew you to it?
After having a Colour Analysis Consultation in Dubai in 2010 I realised how passionate I was about the whole experience. Friends, family and acquaintances were soon encouraged to having theirs done too.
What made you decide that it was time to do your training and take up this new career?
I was a stay at home Mum with two young children and I thought now is the time. I did my research, decided the Absolute Colour System and training with Imogen was for me. I thoroughly enjoyed the new challenge and experience.
What are you passionate about?
Making a positive impact on people’s lives. By helping to remove the stress when dressing and shopping, building self-confidence, saving precious time, and most of all empowering them to be able to do all this efficiently for themselves so they really enjoy what they wear.
Who do you most enjoy working with? How do you love to help them?
I love clients who come in not knowing where to start and leaving with lots of knowledge and confidence. The wardrobe edits are extremely satisfying too.
How does having a good image help people in their lives?
Their increase in confidence, they look good, they feel good and it shines through.