In person training courses for aspiring personal stylist and image consultants, in personal colour analysis using the absolute colour system and image business development

Certified Personal Stylist, Personal Colour Analysis, and Image Business Development Training Programs

Next Training: 31 March to 15 April 2025

Become a fully qualified image consultant with our in-person training programs in Personal Colour Analysis using the Absolute Colour System of 18 colour palettes plus Personal Styling and Image Mastery for both women and men, plus gain knowledge on how to build a successful image business with our Image Business Development training program.

If you love helping others improve their confidence and self-esteem and want to learn all the skills of an image consultant from the world-leader in this field, then book in for this experiential training where you’ll discover a whole world of colour and style through our comprehensive training courses.

You can take the whole course or do one module at a time.

When you choose to take both Personal Colour Analysis and Personal Stylist and Image Mastery Training together you receive the Image Business Development Training  free!

Get qualified as a personal stylist and in personal colour analysis from anywher e in the world with our online training courses

Online Certified Personal Stylist, Personal Colour Analysis, and Image Business Development Training Courses


These online courses contain the same content as the In-Person training course but are delivered digitally via our web-based training platform.  It’s ideal if you can’t come to our Melbourne Studio or just want to start right now and work through it at your own pace.

Upon completing your Certified Personal Stylist and Image Mastery training, you’ll walk away with the theory and the practical know-how to work with clients in a way that suits them. You will understand how to balance their personality with their physical features and help them find their own authentic style.

After completing both Colour Theory and Colour Practical modules, which make up our complete Certified Advanced Personal Colour Analysis training, you’ll be able to drape clients in person and digitally using the 18-palette Absolute Colour System to find their ideal colour palette.

Our Image Business Development course is also available online to assist you in starting and growing your business.

Educational webinars for image consultants, personal stylists and colour consultants

Refresh and Update Your Image Knoweldge


Ongoing education and personal growth are one of our core values, which is why we offer over 80 video webinars (around 60 minutes each) that cover many aspects of image consulting.

With topics ranging from body shape and proportions to using accessories.  How to choose eyeglasses, to colour and value contrast, along with a suite of marketing and business development topics these webinars are here to help you improve your skills, refresh your knowledge and keep you on track.


You can purchase webinars separately or pay a 12 month subscription to watch the entire library.  The choices is yours!

Free webinars and resources for personal stylist and image consultants

On-Demand Webinars, Tools and Articles

Discover the 8 Qualities of Successful Personal Stylists

7 Secrets to a Successful Styling Career

Tips and Tricks for making Videos

Plus other videos and articles to assist you in turning your passion into a thriving career.

Mentoring Program for Students and Graduates

All our students and graduates are invited to join our monthly group Zoom coaching and mentoring calls.   All calls are recorded and students and graduates have full access to our entire library of calls, which cover topics from group consultations, marketing and social media to tips on wardrobing and personal shopping.

We also give our students a 12-month mentoring program to help them build and grow their businesses to help them become a success more quickly.

Find an image consultant, personal stylist or colour consultant trained by the Academy of Professional Image

Find an Academy of Professional Image Graduate

Check out our consultant directory for image consultants, personal stylists and personal colour consultants trained by the Academy of Professional Image.

Is Personal Styling and Image Consulting the Right Career For You?

Our Mission

Start Your Training and Follow Your Passion

The Academy of Professional Image has a mission to demystify and teach the fundamentals of colour, style and image with an intelligent, concrete and in-depth approach that allows its graduates to grow and develop their passion for helping others experience the powerfully positive impact of image.

We believe in ongoing personal growth and education which is why we support all our students and graduates with our monthly group mentoring calls and our comprehensive library of educational on-demand webinars.

Because we know that your life may have different demands, we offer our training both live and in-person in Melbourne as well as online so  you can go at your own pace.

Choose your own learning style as we offer personal stylist and personal colour analysis courses both live in the classroom or distance learning programs delivered online.

All image consultant training courses also include a 12 month mentoring program once your training has finished so that you succeed in setting up your own image business. We also offer ongoing educational webinars for all personal stylists on image and marketing related topics which you can access at any time from the comfort of your own computer.

Start your Personal Stylist Course Online right now!  Go at your own pace from the comfort of your own home!

You can also do our Personal Colour Analysis Course Online right now!  It’s broken down into two modules:  Colour Theory and then Personal Colour Analysis Draping (which includes all your tools for doing personal colour analysis both in person and online).

You can also do your training in the classroom in Melbourne, Australia – check out our training dates and enrol.

Want more information about course content and pricing?  Download our AoPI Course Outline Now 

Got other questions?  Check out our FAQs

Want to chat? Make a time to do so here.

Our Graduates

Lauren Rondon

Merrylands, New South Wales

Emma Willmann

Tanah Merah, QLD, Australia

Karin Davidson

Wembley Downs, Perth

Zuzana Smékal

Oznice, Czechia

Kris Villarta

Donostia-San Sebastian, Spain

Personal styling is much more than just putting people into the latest fashion trends. There are psychological and personality aspects as well as age, lifestyle, colouring and body issues that you need to take into consideration. There is both a science and an art you need to learn to be successful. We will teach you all the aspects of colour and image that you really need to know to be able to work effectively, all the aspects that the shorter courses just don’t teach you. Find out more about our training here…

Association of Image Consultants International

Program Certification

There are many training programs for personal stylists that claim to give you a Certificate or Diploma but are not certified by any recognized body.  Our training is internationally certified by AICI the Association of Image Consultants International. As an authorized CEU (Continuing Education Unit) Provider, AICI has approved our courses for varying CEUs depending on the length of the program.

In-Depth, Innovative, Inspiring

“Just wanted to thank you and let you know how grateful I am that I chose to complete my training through you. I knew I wouldn’t be going straight into Image Consulting until I was home full time with the kids.

Now that I am home, I’ve started to really build my business, I have gone back through my training manuals, and am grateful they’re so comprehensive, they have reignited my passion and I feel confident I can give the best possible service.”

Jacinta Dimer
Kalgoorlie Colours and Styles

© 2025 Academy of Professional Image

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