
Lizzy Eden

Meet Lizzy Eden

Tell us what you did before image consultancy?

I spent 17 amazing years as a fitness instructor & personal trainer before entering into the modelling industry for 8 fabulous years & into my early 40’s.

What made you choose to become an image consultant? What drew you to it?

The modelling industry is where I developed a ‘passion for fashion’ and here I evolved out of tracksuits, runners & ponytail & into the love for dressing beautifully to suit who I was becoming! It was my agent & the agency’s office manager (two good friends now) who both saw the potential in me to become a stylist & encouraged me to pursue it – and I did!

What made you decide that it was time to do your training and take up this new career?

I went off & did basic retail/fashion/styling training at TAFE when I first discovered this is what I saw myself doing in the future. After my TAFE training, I landed a job in a high-end boutique followed by a ‘dream’ job for Westfield as one of the main stylists. I soon realised the enormity of what I really didn’t know & wanted to know but didn’t yet – particularly in colour! I did my research of where I could go & train to take my styling passion to another level…thank goodness I found the amazing Imogen Lamport. She is who I decided to do my image, colour & style training with and become an Image Consultant – I’ve never looked back!!

What are you passionate about?

All aspects of image & styling but colour analysis is my absolute passion & this is what I really specialise in, here in Adelaide.

Who do you most enjoy working with? How do you love to help them?

I really enjoy working mostly with the demographic that my business reflects & attracts – busy, smart, professional women 40-55 years of age.

I love to help my clients through the whole style journey, colour, style, wardrobe & shopping. Seeing & knowing that a client feels & ultimately looks better in what they’re now wearing brings me so much joy.

How does having a good image help people in their lives?

A good image equals empowerment – it projects confidence that ultimately takes someone to where they want to go in life!

Fashion is the outward tool used to project an inward message of oneself
Lizzy Eden 2013

How can you help people create a more impactful and relevant image for themselves?

By listening carefully to the wardrobe & clothing goals & desires of the client. Taking a client through the relevant services/education they needed at the time, be it for personal and or business/work.

A person will project more impact when they’re completely comfortable with their own unique way of dressing. A person will shine when they’re helped and encouraged to dress according to who they are as an individual. They also learn the massive impact of what happens to them and their wardrobe when they wear their correct colour palette.

Lizzy Eden

Lizzy Eden Personal Stylist Image and Colour Consultant

Camden Park SA, Australia

0438 587 020


   Certified Advanced Personal Stylist and Image Mastery Women and Men
   Certified Advanced Personal Colour Analysis Training

© 2024 Academy of Professional Image

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