
Rebecca Ffrancon

Rebecca Davies

Tell us what you did before image consultancy?

I worked in advertising agencies in London looking after clients. Then we moved away to Bermuda for three years where I did the same, but it gave me some time to reflect on what I wanted to do and I knew it had to be either styling people or homes! Shortly after arriving back home, I had a baby and used my time on maternity leave to join Imogen’s 7 Steps to Style programme to learn about me and to see if I thought I’d enjoy it. I LOVED it!

What made you choose to become an image consultant? What drew you to it?

I’ve always loved the way clothes make you feel. I’m in no way a fashionista but I’m a very visual person and love putting outfits together. I particularly enjoy working one to one with fabulous women and helping them to gain confidence in how they dress. It’s so rewarding and very different to my career in advertising!

What made you decide that it was time to do your training and take up this new career?

After I’d been through the 7 Steps process for myself, I realised how much I thoroughly enjoyed the interaction with women on the Facebook page. So it was an easy decision after years of mulling it over and then testing the water with 7 steps.

What are you passionate about?

I always imagined it would be the clothes, the shopping and the trends, but it’s most definitely not – it’s all about the women I can help navigate their way to understand their own style. I do still enjoy the shopping, albeit it’s a very different experience to shopping for myself, but I actually fine it more enjoyable as it’s more strategic!

Who do you most enjoy working with? How do you love to help them?

I most enjoy working with women who genuinely want to understand more about their personal style and are prepared to put in the work before and after our session and be somewhat open-minded about the shopping experience and willing to try new things. I love uncovering those lightbulb moments!

How does having a good image help people in their lives?

Awareness of your image can help you achieve whatever you want to achieve in life. It’s really all about self confidence – the knowledge that you are truly reflecting who you are on the outside in the appropriate way for the situation can give you heaps of confidence.

How can you help people create a more impactful and relevant image for themselves?

By giving them the tools to truly understand more about their style. It’s far more than just the physical, although that is a great place to start, but it’s the style personality where the magic happens. If you have been dressing to please others or been influenced by social media or brands, you are unlikely to be meeting your true style potential.

Rebecca Davies

Rebecca Ffrancon

Bromley, UK

07738 364912


Trained by AOPI

   Certified Advanced Personal Stylist and Image Mastery Women and Men
   Certified Advanced Personal Colour Analysis Training

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