
Zuzana Smékal

Tell us what you did before image consultancy?

I studied painting at the Faculty of Arts. After my studies, I worked as a media consultant. After that, I dedicated myself to my family and developed a small family business importing birthing pools. The children grew up and the desire for visual beauty called me back. I ran into Imogen…

What made you choose to become an image consultant? What drew you to it?

Visual harmony has always been important to me. color typology was the first clear choice for me. Studying style was the next follow-up step and a great opportunity to meet my customers again. In addition, the environmental element of sustainability is also important to me.
What made you decide that it was time to do your training and take up this new career?

I find this work meaningful for several reasons. I love meeting new inspiring women. A properly cut piece of clothing in the right color can boost self-confidence. Knowing your colors and style will save you a lot of time, money and reduce the environmental impact of buying clothes you don’t wear.

What are you passionate about?
I love the happy sparkle in my customers’ eyes.

Who do you most enjoy working with? How do you love to help them?
I have no preferences regarding the client. The biggest challenge is a customer who is completely different from me. I am happy when I tune in to her and she leaves satisfied that I was able to give her valuable advice.

How does having a good image help people in their lives?
I like the opportunity to look at style from the side of self-knowledge. So that clothes express our personality. Knowing the rules can help us become a better version of ourselves through clothing, which can help us open new doors in life. But of course it’s okay not to open any doors and enjoy your fixed position in life and wear clothes that define us.

How can you help people create a more impactful and relevant image for themselves?
Thanks to a sophisticated system, we will focus on both physical topics, such as body type, face shape and choosing appropriate haircuts. So on to the personality area, where we will discuss how your personality and preferences affect your personal style and choose the options that are most suitable for you.

Anything else you’d like to tell us?
At work, the most important thing for me is that your style comes from you and is in harmony with your personality. I try to guide you to the path of self-acceptance and self-knowledge. To be kind to your body and yourself!

Zuzana Smékal

Oznice, Czechia

731 536 625


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