
Your Ultimate Colour Personality Dressing Style Guide

Have you thought about the colours you prefer to wear? Whether or not you’ve had a personal colour analysis and have a palette of colours or not, you are likely to find that you are drawn more to some colours than others, even within your palette if you know which is the one that flatters you most.

There are colours you’d never think of wearing, even if they suit you, and often this choice comes down to the influence of your personality.

I believe that personality is way more important in choosing clothes that you love, rather than just finding clothes that flatter your body shape, and it impacts upon every clothing and accessory choice you make.

What’s Your Colour Personality?

The first step is to take the simple personality colour quiz here. Then you can read up about each of the different personality dressing styles and their colour palettes.

Quick Colour Personality Quiz

Choose one or two answers from the statements below (you may have a different answer from work to home, or depending on your mood).

  1. Neutrals are the basis of your wardrobe, you may bring in some light blues, or the occasional piece of burgundy, but really you are most comfortable when colour is not too apparent.
  2. You identify with the colours of nature, soft greens, blues, sand, oatmeal, rust, sage, earthy browns, forest green. These colours are low key, but still coloured, you may consider some to be a little smoky and softened.
  3. You love colour to add drama to your outfit. Black and red, and black and white are favourites. Hot pink, orange, cobalt blue are all colours that you are drawn to.
  4. Mixing it up is something that appeals to you. You will wear out all sorts of unusual colour combinations that others would fear to try. No colour is off limits, but you are less likely to look for the high contrast and go for a lower contrast, it’s an interesting and different combination that appeals, not one that necessarily smacks you in the face. You may also prefer your colour in a pattern rather than solid blocks.
  5. Soft light colours appeal. Pastels are a favourite. Baby pink and blue, champagne and cream, lavender and periwinkle all put a twinkle in your eye.Lighter neutrals with a pop of colour
  6. Lighter neutrals with a pop of colour — you like a sophisticated palette of camel or beige with accent colours in one piece or accessory

So when you read the above statements which appeal to you the most?

You may choose one or more of the above. You may stick to a more limited range of colours or you may prefer to dip in and out of many different palettes.


Discover the 6 Personality Style’s Colours

1. Neutral – Classic

Understand why you choose certain colours to wear - it's based on your personality traits - here are the Classic colours

Those of you who tend to choose traditional neutral colours such as black and white, grey and navy, shying away from most colours of the rainbow can be described as liking the colours of the classic style.

The Classic neutrals fit most easily into coolundertone colour directions, but a variation of them can be found in all colour palettes.
Understand why you choose certain colours to wear - it's based on your personality traits - here are the Classic colours

Classic Personality Style

  • Classic clothing is traditionally neutral in colour.
  • Wearers tend to prefer to be more understated and not draw too much attention to themselves. Bright colours make them feel uncomfortable.
  • They like the simpleness and class of neutrals. No spending lots of time worrying about if colours go together or not.
  • Classic clothing tends toward the structured, crisp and smooth, low-textured, but this aspect of the clothing style may not appeal if your Classic personality style is also blended with the Feminine, Relaxed, Dramatic or Creative personality dressing styles.
  • This style of clothing comes from professional men’s business wear, this is why it doesn’t vary as much year to year (but it still does date).
  • Classic jewellery is traditional in its materials and construction, this also may not appeal.
  • It’s the most formal of dressing styles and is appropriate for the office as it says that you are professional, organised, responsible and mature.

Understand why you choose certain colours to wear - it's based on your personality traits - here are the Classic colours

Wearing Classic black and white – the dress is also a Classic style garment and pattern, the vest is not!

You may just incorporate the low-keyed nature of neutrals with another clothing personality style. You may also like to wear a high-value contrast which is typical of the professional element of the Classic personality dressing style. Some prefer to wear the same shade of neutral head to toe, whilst others like to mix up their neutrals with a pop of a traditional colour such as soft light blue, red or burgundy. Just remember, if you have a warm complexion to look for warmer neutrals, from browns and warm greys to deep olive and marine navy. If you have a cool complexion try greys, navy, rose beige, white, charcoal, deep rose brown and black.

There are many neutral options and you can still wear a variety of shades, whilst sticking to a mostly neutral palette.

If You’re Classic You May Describe Yourself as …

  • Organised
  • Professional
  • Mature
  • Responsible
  • Sensible
  • Conservative
  • Reliable
  • Trustworthy

But even if you don’t identify with all these words, you may find one rings true for you. If you were all of them then you’d be attracted to the Classic style as a whole, but if you only find a word or two related to you, then this may be why only the colour palette attracts you and you find other style elements from different personality styles.


2. Natural – Relaxed/Casual

What's your colour personality? Which colours do you prefer to wear? Did you know that some of your choice will come down to your perosnality - here are the Relaxed/Natural personality dressing style

If you prefer colours that you find in nature you like the colours of the Relaxed personality style.

These are the more softened and subdued colours that you will find in the natural world. From sage and rust, through to soft blues and olives. Your staple neutrals are more likely to be oatmeal, taupe, oyster, khakis and browns. Denim blue is a staple too.

Understanding how your personality influences your colour choices - the Relaxed or Natural personality style

Within any colour swatch, you can find these more relaxed and natural colours – they will vary from palette to palette, and they do fit more easily into some palettes, but no matter which colours flatter you and harmonise with your natural colouring, you can choose from any palette the colours that you feel most comfortable wearing.

Relaxed Personality Style Fit

You may also find that you prefer fabrics with some texture rather than being really smooth. Many find they either like natural fibres and are kinesthetic, and have to feel the fabric before even trying on a garment.

Alternatively, you may hate ironing and decide on only buying easy-care fabrics that don’t crease easily.

You may prefer to wear more loosely fit clothing or ones made with stretch for ease of movement

You dislike being constrained by your clothing and will feel more uncomfortable in more formal clothing styles.

Often in this personality style comfort is one of the most important factors, many have described to me their thoughts about that if their feet aren’t comfortable, they just can’t think.

Relaxed Personality Style Traits

Some of the words that you may use to describe your personality include:

  • Relaxed
  • Casual
  • Unpretentious
  • Approachable
  • Natural
  • Easy-going
  • Sporty
  • Down-to-earth

Of course, you may just like these colours and look for other details in garments from another personality style.

But even if you don’t identify with all these words, you may find one or two rings true for you. If you were all of them then you’d be attracted to the Relaxed personality dressing style as a whole, but if you only find a word or two related to you, then this may be why only the colour palette attracts you and you find other style elements from different personality styles.

Understanding how your personality influences your colour choices - the Relaxed or Natural personality style


3. Bold – Dramatic

Do you like brighter or bold colours? Bold patterns? Shiny fabrics? Then you may be choosing your colour and fabric choices from the Dramatic personality style.

Understand why you choose certain colours to wear - it's based on your personality traits - here are the Dramatic personality colours

Do you love head to toe black, teamed with a bright red lipstick?

High contrast patterns in large or bold designs may float your boat?

If the word bold may be applied to a colour or fabric, then this is likely to fit into this personality style.

This is a strong and noticeable style, not for the faint-hearted!

These colours come easily to some colour groups – the cool or warm and bright colour palettes, and are a little more tricky for those who suit a softer palette but remember you can use simultaneous contrast to ensure that your colours pop and look dramatic, yet still flatter your complexion.

Understand why you choose certain colours to wear - it's based on your personality traits - here are the Dramatic personality coloursDramatic Personality Traits

Some words that you may apply to your personality include:

  • Bold
  • Dramatic
  • Dynamic
  • Assertive
  • Direct
  • Demanding
  • Intense

Details of the Dramatic Personality Style

Other elements of dramatic personality style include:

  • oversized details such as bags, and collars
  • high heels and pointed toes on shoes
  • large scale jewellery
  • clothing tends to be structured and sharp
  • High tech or futuristic is common with you upgrading to the latest phone the minute it is released

Comfort is not particularly important to a truly dramatic, the form is king over function.

The centre of attention is where you like to be, and where these colours will put you. You may enjoy bringing in the latest fashion colour into your outfit.


4. Eclectic – Creative

Creative colours are varied and don’t come from a particular palette, but more of willingness by the wearer to try out all sorts of interesting mixes of colours, not just red, white and blue together. They are less likely to be very bold or bright, but more subtle and interesting.

Understanding how your personality influences your colour choices - the Creative personality style

There is no particular palette that you’ll follow, but you may like to mix triads and tetrads, play with split-complementaries or any other colour scheme that arises for you.

Understanding how your personality influences your colour choices - the Creative personality style

The Creative personality style is more eclectic, innovative, edgy or different from the traditional and will, therefore, choose colours to match their creative energy or mood.

Creative Personality Dressing Style

Often those who choose this also like more unique patterns and mixing patterns too.

Some will also like mixing textures and fabrics for added elements of surprise and interest.

You may like a touch of whimsy or a more bohemian vibe.

Alternatively asymmetry, unusual construction or deconstruction may float your style boat.

You may also like wearable art either in fabrics or jewellery or accessories. Mixing up the unexpected whether styles of clothing, fabrics or patterns, it’s your imagination that rules the day.

There are no rules for the creative personality as it’s always about expressing your own, unique personality, not following a style rule or maxim.

Creative Personality Traits

Some of the personality traits you may identify with include:

  • Creative
  • Innovative
  • Original
  • Avant-garde
  • Quirky
  • Imaginative
  • Unique

If you only association one or two of these with your personality, you may want to include small elements or details of creativity in your outfits, rather than sport a head to toe look.


5. Soft – Feminine

Colours are soft and pretty, not harsh or bold. Light blues, purples, pinks, greens, lemons. Champagne, mushroom and cream, fawn, light grey and beige are preferred neutrals over dark colours like black, brown and deep navy.

Fabrics are also soft and touchable, silk, satin, velvet, cashmere, definitely those enjoyed by the more kinaesthetic. Drape is also important in the flow of the fabric, never stiff or heavy, instead, you prefer more lightness and with a soft drape.

Understanding how your personality influences your colour choices - the Feminine personality style

Within any palette, you will find a range of lighter and darker colours. Whichever palette suits you, if you love the softer, lighter feminine colours, then choose your version of these (they are not always pastels, depending on the colour direction that harmonises with your colouring).

Understanding how your personality influences your colour choices - the Feminine personality style

Feminine Personality Style Traits

How would you describe yourself as a person?

Some of the personality traits associated with this style include:

  • feminine
  • caring
  • warm
  • nurturing
  • gentle
  • considerate
  • understanding
  • non-threatening

You may find that you resonate with a lot or a few of these words. If it’s only a few, then you might decide just to use an element or two of the Feminine personality dressing style in your outfits, it could be the feminine fit, a delicate detail, a floral print or a lightness of colour.

Feminine Personality Dressing Style

Other aspects of this style of dress are that the clothes always show off the female form, they tend to have a waisted appearance, never boxy or sack-like.

Details such as lace, frills or flounces, sequins or beading, small floral or nature-inspired pattern may also be found

Jewellery tends to be delicate and pretty, never chunky or bold. It is likely to sparkle and gleam.

These colour choices tell the world you’re not conventionally ambitious, you don’t want to intimidate, instead, you are warm, nurturing and approachable. These colours say that you care and are not intimidating or threatening in any way.

Understanding how your personality influences your colour choices - the Feminine personality style


6. Elegant Chic – Sportive

This style is more mature and refined than any other.

Classy and traditional though not overlybusinesslike, you always look polished and put-together.

  • It’s not so high contrast and bold as the Dramatic.
  • It’s brighter than the Feminine style.
  • It’s more colourful than the Classic and less structured and formal, the neutrals are light rather than the Classic darks.

Colours are mixed with lower key neutrals such as camel, white, navy, beige and khaki (rather than the black of the dramatic).

Understanding how your personality influences your colour choices - the Elegant Chic or Sportive personality style

This personality style fits easily into the lighter and softer palettes as it has a lightness and softness to it that are easy to find in these palettes along with pops of zingy colours.

Understanding how your personality influences your colour choices - the Creative personality style

Elements of the Elegant Chic Personality Style

This is not for the low-maintenance among us. This style oozes sophistication.

Think about cashmere and silk, soft and touchable, luxurious fabrics.

There is a boldness of accessory or pop of colour.

The occasional overscale element, but never bold in the dramatic sense.

High quality is the name of the game.

It’s formal but not businesslike, strong and yet soft.

Understanding how your personality influences your colour choices - the elegant chic personality style

Fabrics flow, patterns are either geometric or stylised.

Other elements you’ll find in this style are good quality fabrics, generally natural fibres. High-quality real gem jewellery is a must, but never over the top, diamond studs not chandelier earrings for example.

Personality Traits of the Elegant Chic Personality Dressing Style

Personality traits you may relate to:

  • Social
  • Animated
  • Upbeat
  • Traditional
  • Classy
  • Vivacious
  • Charming

Is this you head to toe, or just in small doses? It could be the quality element, the flow or just the colours that float your sartorial boat!


Personality Dressing Style Colour Choices

Your personality influences everything you choose in your wardrobe (it’s why you love some things and hate others or just feel super uncomfortable when wearing some clothes where you feel that they are just not ‘you’.

  • From prints to patterns – even whether you wear them – and if you do are you a floral or stripe or abstract print kind of woman?
  • The details – how large or small, delicate or bold.
  • The kinds of fabrics you choose, smooth or nubby, stretchy or stiff.

Understanding the influence of your personality really helps you define your personal style and inform your style recipe. Not only will understanding your personality dressing style help you in store, as you can immediately identify when a garment just isn’t you (and you know why) so you don’t buy it because you want “different” in your wardrobe as you’re kind of bored with what you have. It informs all your choices and helps you feel like the very best version of you. You can find out all the body shape stuff, which hemlines and necklines flatter, and which shapes are best for your body, but you’ll still make purchasing mistakes as what colour should you choose? What about a pattern or solid? What kind of details do you like? These are not body shape related, but personality influenced.

Then you need to find out your ideal colour palette – from all the millions of colours in the world – which ones harmonise with your colouring and make you look lighter, leaner, vibrant, healthy and glowing? Your colouring changes over the years as do the colours that suit you best (started to go grey – yes that means that your skin is changing too, you can find out more about colouring and ageing here).

Within any colour palette that are colours that flatter, you will be more drawn to some than others and this is the impact of your personality. When you click through to the six personality dressing styles colour choices, you will see how from any palette, you can choose a range of colours to suit the inner you.

Start Your Training and Follow Your Passion

Get your first two lessons free – click here! Choose your own learning style as we offer personal stylist and personal colour anlaysis courses both in the  classroom or online training. All image consultant training courses also include a 12 month mentoring program once your training has finished so that you succeed in setting up your own image business. We also offer ongoing educational webinars for all personal stylists on image and marketing related topics which you can access at any time from the comfort of your own computer.

Want more information about course content and pricing? Download our AoPI Course Outline Now!

Please do let me know if you have questions about the training. I’m excited about this rare opportunity and I don’t want you to miss out!

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